Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Ok, I'm a MetalriffeR... so, this post is going to be about guitars and guitar equipment. I guess pretty much all my future posts are going to be related to metal music but that does not mean I'm gonna get stuck only to that, jazz, classic rock, classical music are also welcome. I did own several guitars like Ibanez and ESP but right now I'm starring at a Jackson KV2 King V USA electric guitar for 1 year and a half... hell yeah, I do own it. I will post some pictures with it in the next posts. As sound equipment, I run my Jack thru Tech 21 SansAmp PSA 1, awesome preamp; I couldn't be more satisfied about it. this preamp rocks. The possibilities of getting a sound you're looking for are endless. Well, not really endless but you have a lot of choices to make. So if you ever have the change of getting one, do it! I got mine used it worked for a couple of days and then it broke, the CPU (processor) inside of it burned so I had to replace it. The 3 Mhz CPU costed me $12 and to replace it 60$.